How to balance cholesterol

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Stick to a kapha-pacifying diet because it is burning fat and Avoid fatty food, cheese, processed foods, high-fat milk or yogurt. Minimize the consumption of sweets and cold foods and drinks.

Garlic most effective in preventing high cholesterol

Taking half teaspoon trikatu with one teaspoon honey, two to three times a day, is good for burning ama (digestive fire) and excess kapha, further helping regulate cholesterol also it is a enhance the metabolism

Drink one cup of hot water mixed with honey. This will help to ‘scrape’ off the fat from your system and reduce cholesterol levels.

Include more millets, quinoa, oatmeal, wheat, apples, grapefruit, and almonds to reduce cholesterol

Also Make sure you engage in physical activities to regulate cholesterol.

Don’t forget to eat a healthy diet and lead a right lifestyle to ensure healthy cholesterol levels.

Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and increase soluble fiber foods


The panchakarma program for one week can regulate cholesterol and reduce risk of cardiovascular diseases

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