Ayurveda Herbal Making Unit
The blessing of LORD DHANWATARI (God of Ayurveda) continues to shower on us; hence we were able to build our own Ayurveda herbal unit on the campus and are now capable of manufacturing our own Ayurveda Herbal products.
We have an efficient team in our Ayurveda herbal unit; a combination of both veterans and youth, who manufacture the Ayurveda herbal products using a holistic approach with utmost precision. We produce Ayurveda herbal products authentically, in a classical way, as mentioned in the ancient texts of Ayurveda.
Our production is mainly comprised of herbal preparations such as Choornas (herbal powders), Kashaya Choorna (powders for decoctions), Kashayas(decoctions), Arishtas, and Asvas (herbal tonics), Taila (ayurvedic herbal oil), Lehyams (clickable).
The advantages of having our own Ayurveda Herbal manufacturing unit are :
- We are able to produce 100% genuine Ayurvedic Herbal Products
- Our herbals are of better quality than those found on the market and therefore they are more beneficial to our patients
- We are able to adapt our herbal’s concentration to the particular need of each patient
- We are able to produce some rare and very effective combinations mentioned in the Ayurvedic classics which are not available on the market