Yoga & Meditation


Be the Master of your body & mind

Yoga is not just a Physical workout as is perceived around the World. In India, Yoga is a science that has been practiced for thousands of years and aims to master the Body, Mind, and Soul and live a life of harmony and peace. Imagine having a perfectly healthy Body and Mind, both functioning at their optimal capacity – no sickness, no disease, no stress – that’s what Yoga can do for any human being at any stage of life.

According to Yoga, health is not just a mere absence of disease, but a positive feeling of well-being in the Mind, Body, and Soul. The literal translation of Yoga is – harmony of Body, Mind & Soul, harmony in relationships with others, and harmony with the entire Universe.

 What is this Program all about?

Ayurveda Yoga Villa offers you this program to take your Yoga practice a step beyond a normal Physical Workout. We have a resident Yoga master who is highly experienced in the monastic traditions of Yoga. He will take you through the journey of Yoga and Meditation in order to discover the potential of your Body and Mind. Both theoretical and practical lessons will guide you through the basic concepts of breathing and its effect on the body, and help you understand how to tap into Prana (universal energy) through stretching exercises, Asanas (postures), Pranayamas (breathing techniques), and Meditation.

This comprehensive set of Asanas, Pranayamas, and Meditation techniques are designed in such a way so you will be able to practice in your own home and attain a certain mastery over Body and Mind. This program will not only improve your health and well-being but will also bring you the balance needed to experience higher levels of energy.

Daily program

  1.  Consultation with our Ayurvedic Doctor.
  2.  Twice daily Yoga and Pranayama sessions.
  3.  Full-body Ayurvedic massages.
  4.  Meditation.
  5.  Ayurvedic diet.
  6.  Lectures, video shows on Health, Spirituality, Culture, etc.

How many days?

Minimum 1 week, ideally 2 weeks, and for better results, 3 to 4 weeks, depending on your present condition and your expectations.


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