Why choose Kerala for Ayurvedic Retreat?
There are a lot of reasons that no country in the world cWhyan come to par with Kerala in Ayurveda. The geography of Kerala is formed in such a way that it provides all the circumstances that are most suited for Ayurveda to thrive. Kerala the lush green terrain is believed to be emerged from the Arabian Sea when the sea parted away. With a coastline on one side and mountains on the other. The mountain ranges of Western Ghats where the 44 rivers originate trap most of the South West Monsoon providing heavy rainfall from June to September. The Western Ghats of Kerala are also blessed with an abundance of a lot of natural Ayurvedic medicinal herbs and shrubs unique to Ayurveda.
The monsoons of Kerala from June to September are believed to be the best time for all Ayurvedic treatments. The sky in Kerala will be clear at this time which benefits from some fresh air. In this cool and rainy atmosphere pores of the body open to the maximum which helps the herbal oils to penetrate to the body quickly. Also, the temperature of Kerala in this season is relatively even during day and night which makes the body stress free throughout the course of treatment.
People around Kerala follow Ayurvedic lifestyle food during monsoon like Karkidaka Lehyam(Monsoon rejuvenation tonics) and Karkidaka Kanji (Monsoon Rejuvenation porridge). Karkidakam is the month with maximum rain as per the Kerala calendar. Hence in Kerala Ayurveda is not just a treatment but is a lifestyle of a common man.
In Kerala, the traditional practitioners of Ayurveda are known as Vaidyas. Kerala is also famous for the Ashtavaidyas the physicians who are masters of the eight branches of Ayurveda mentioned in Ashtangahridaya by Vagbhadananda. Kerala also has a lot of colleges teaching Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery
Deep-rooted Sanskrit heritage of Kerala is another factor that determines its predominance in Ayurveda. The traditional practitioners of Ayurveda in Kerala considered Ashtanga Hridaya as a primary text. The verses of Ashtanga Hridaya is even known to the common man in Kerala. Also, the new texts in Ayurveda like Vaidyamanorama, Sahasrayogam, and Chikilsamanjari, are written in Kerala both in Malayalam and Sanskrit.
At Ayurveda Yoga Villa we follow the traditional Ayurvedic techniques of Kerala. Traditional Kerala Monsoon Panchakarma Treatment which is the complete detoxification of the body with Ayurvedic Therapies and oral medication clubbed with yoga and meditation sessions to cleanse your body is what we offer as a main treatment. Panchakarma is a five-step detoxification process that balances the Vata, Pita,h and Kapha doshas, the imbalance of which is the main reason for most of the diseases. We also club the benefits of Kalari which is the traditional martial art of Kerala. Kalari and Ayurveda are closely related since it follows exercises and massage with oil to cure different alignments. Most Ayurveda therapists in Kerala have a better understanding of Kalari to know the functioning of the Human body.
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