Ayurveda Treatment for Insomnia

Ayurveda Treatment for Insomnia

The stimulating experience creates a state of hyper-arousal and creates the impression that sleep is a waste of time. In the end, we are often too tired to do anything, and at the same time, are too wound up with our thoughts to fall asleep!.One of the reasons that insomnia is on the rise is the high stress levels and time pressures associated with modern living. The people would gladly get more sleep if they could, but the information age, which was supposed to make everything more efficient, has just made everything busier. Many people complain of insomnia, with stress during the day making them too tense or worried to be able to fall asleep at night. Lack of sleep, in turn, creates more stress on the job and at home. However, it is important to know at the outset that not all people require the same amount of sleep. Sleeping cycles vary among people and throughout a person’s life

According to ayurveda, the vitiation of the three doshas either taken all together or individually may result in to insomnia.
All factors, that are responsible for aggravation of vata and pitta ,along with environmental and dietary factors play an important role in sleep disturbances.

High vata type of insomnia is caused by Vaata imbalance or mental stress. People, who toss and turn, unable to fall asleep because their mind is spinning, have this disorder. It results with anxiety, worry, and rushed activity during the day. Where as in pitta imbalance there is intermittent awakening. You may fall asleep quickly but wake up frequently with palpitation, body pains, and emotional disturbances such as fear, anger, and sadness. Another pattern is that you wake up before dawn and find it difficult to go back to sleep.
Ayurvedic name for Insomnia (Sleeplessness) is Anidra. It is a condition in which a person is unable to take proper rest. The patient is unable to sleep properly and this affects his daily activities.

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