
Nasya is a Ayurvedic treatment procedure mentioned in Ayurvedic texts for cleansing. It is a process by which oil is administered through the nostrils. Nasya is a part of panchakarma as it helps in detoxifying the head.

Nasya in panchakarma refers to administering oil through the nostrils. There are different types of nasya depending on the type of medicated oils used and the body constitution – vata, pitta or kapha or a combination of these doshas. Even the time for nasya depends on the dosha conditions. Ingredients used for Nasya can be oils, ghee, along with herbs like brahmi, henna, basil, and flowers like rose, jasmine etc.

The nasya procedure is simple and is similar to the nasal drops usage to relieve congestion. The luke warm medicated oil as suggested by practitioner which is customized to each person as per the body type is administered through nostrils.Oil used in Nasya are Anu tailam, Shad bindhu tailam,Karpasasthyadi tailam, Lakshadi tailam,Dhanwathalam tailam….etc

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