Special Monsoon Panchakarma

Special Monsoon Panchakarma [Karkitaka Chikitsa] with Devas Rejuvenation


Ayurveda is a 5000 year old system of holistic healing that takes into account the mind, the body, the senses and the soul. It is the work of harmonizing  Body, Prana and Mind through knowledge and understanding of nature and the inner self, that generates healing on all levels. Ayurveda originates in India and was developed by ancient Ayurvedic Acharyas who referred to it as “The Science of Life”.

          According to Ayurveda, monsoon season is the best season for Panchakarma (Detoxification) and rejuvenation therapies that strengthen the body, prana and mind. Moreover, the body is most receptive to the therapies during the monsoon, as this is when the pores in the skin are open to their maximum extent. These favorable conditions accelerate healing in physical, pranic and mental planes.

Ayurveda has selectively recognized monsoon season as the best time for receiving Panchakarma (detoxification) followed with Rejuvenation treatments (Rasayana therapy). Panchakarma detoxifies and deeply cleanses the body without damaging the tissues. It reinforces the immune system and leaves the body healthier, stronger and free from chronic ailments.

The Panchakarma (Detoxification ) followed with Rejuvenation treatments (Rasayana therapy) program is a unique opportunity to cleanse and rejuvenate both physically and mentally in a pure, spiritual and yogic environment. One should approach the program with the desire to retire from normal life and use the time to reconnect to body, prana and mind.

Panchakarma (detoxification) treatments following classical method (As per ancient treatises)

Panchakarma (detoxification) treatments include a set of five therapeutic treatments administered to the patient for the deeper and complete detoxification of the body. The presence of toxins which is accumulated, in the physical, pranic and mental dimensions from the past life accumulations, from the parents, society, improper diet, improper life style and living without awareness causes not fulfilling the purpose of creation in this universe. According to Ayurveda , detoxification is essential before undergoing any other major treatment. Even for healthy people, it is recommended to undergo this treatment once in every 5 years to get rid of all the chemical toxins accumulated over the years. In some cases, Panchakarma (detoxification) treatments alone can use to treat many chronic diseases that will not require any further treatments afterwards.

Procedures included in Panchakarma (detoxification) treatments

Purvakarma (Preparatory procedures before Panchakarma – detoxification treatments)

  1. Deepana – Pachana chikitsa
  2. Snehana
  3. Swedana

Pradhanakarma (Main procedure included in Panchakarma – detoxification treatments)

Panchakarma treatments – 5 types of purification treatments

  1. Vamana
  2. Virechana
  3. Asthapana vasthi
  4. Anuvasana vasti
  5. Nasya

Paschat Karma ( Post procedures done after Panchakarma – detoxification treatments)

  1. Samsarjanakrama ( Special diet )
  2. Drugs
  3. Regimens

Note :

Acharya sushrutha mentioned Asthapana vasti and Anuvasana vasti under the heading of Vasti. He included Rakta mokshana (bloodletting) as the 5th purification treatment in Panchakarma (detoxification treatments). Raktha mokshana is a procedure of removing the vitiated blood, in disease caused by rakta and pitta. This therapy will be done only in accordance to the patient condition.

For receiving authentic Panchakarma – detoxification treatments as per the classical way, it requires 90-120 days. Each and every procedure will be monitored. By observing samyak lakshanas (the symptoms of proper saturation) then only the next treatment will be started.

The different phases of panchakarma – detoxification treatments.

Purvakarma ( Preparatory procedure )

Before the actual Panchakarma – detoxification begins, there is a need to prepare the body in prescribed methods to encourage dislodging toxins from deeper levels.

Deepana pachana chikitsa

Agni (digestive fire ) is the most important parameter to be considered before starting panchakarma – detoxification treatments. Without a proper functional state of digestive fire , snehapana (oleation) does not give the desired results. It can leads to complications.

  1. Deepana Pachana treatments enhances the agni ( Digestive fire )
  2. Ama pachana ( Clears the metabolic toxins )

Thus it helps in better digestion and absorption. It reduces the risk of complication.

  1. Snehana (Oleation therapy)

Snehana is the immediate treatment after Deepana – Pachana. It can be done internally and externally.

Snehapana is the oral intake of medicated or non medicated fat in required quantities. It helps to saturate the toxins before doing vamana (Therapeutic vomiting) and virechana (Therapeutic purgation). It requires 3-7 days according to the state of vitiation of doshas and individual’s constitution.

Abhyanga is the external oil massage. After observing the proper signs of saturation of snehapana, Abhyanga should be done prior to vamana and virechana.

  1. Swedana (Sudation Therapy)

The process of inducing sweat through various procedure is known as swedana. Baspa sweda (Steam) usually given before panchakarma.

Swedana helps to mobilize the saturated toxins and then move from different parts of the body to the middle part of the body.

Abyanga and swedana (Steam) are the preparatory procedure of all the panchakarma – detoxification treatments. Based on the panchakarma (detoxification) procedure both are giving the whole body or local parts.

Pradhana Karma (Panchakarma-detoxification)

1. Vamana – Therapeutic Vomiting

It is the process of cleansing the upper part of the body (Stomach, Lungs etc..). It helps to balance kapha dosha.

2. Virechana -Therapeutic purgation

It removes pita dosha from the body. It completely cleanses the gastro-intestinal tract.

3. Asthapana Vasti – Herbal decoction enema

Administration of vasti predominantly considering of herbal decoction also includes medicated oil, honey rock salt and herbal powder.

4 .Anuvasana Vasti- Medicated oil Enema

Administration of medicated oil or fat through the rectal route in a prescribed dose.

Both (Asthapana vasti and Anuvasana vasti) vasti help to subside the vata dosha in our body. Vata dosha is predominant in the colon. It cleanses the colon.

Asthapana vasti and Anuvasana vasti can be given individually or in combined procedure.

Uttara vasti is another type of vasti which is the administration of medicine through the urethral route in both sex. It is effective in conditions like male sexual dysfunction, male and female infertility, tubal block, and in genito – urinary diseases

5. Nasya – Nasal Therapy

It is the nasal administration of medicine in the form of medicated oil or herbal juice extract or herbal powder or herbal smoke.

Nose is the doorway to the brain . Administartion of medicine through the nose cleanses the accumulated kapha from the head and neck.

PASCHAT KARMA (Post procedures after Panchakarma – detoxification treatments)


After Vamana and Virechana, jatharagni (Digestive fire) gets diminished. Samsarjanakrama is perform to augment this diminished agni (Digestive fire).

When all the agni (digestive fire) remains normal state, then there is normal production of all dhatus (Tissue elements) and respective malas (waste products).

Categorization of days in the Panchakarma – detoxification procedure

Sl: NoTreatmentsNo: of DaysProcedure
1Deepana Pachana Chikitsa (For improving digestive fire and for eliminating metabolic toxins)It will be continued till the proper symptoms are present.External treatments and Internal medications
2Snehapana (Oleation therapy)3-7 days (Depends on the symptoms of saturation).Intake of medicated Ghee, No other treatments and Medications
3Resting Day1 dayDiet, Abhyanga (Oil massage) and Bashpa Sweda (Steam).
4Vamana karma (Therapeutic vomiting)1 DayAbhyanga (Oil massage), Bashpa Sweda (Steam) and therapeutic vomitting
5Samsarjanakrama (Post dietic regimen)7 DaysDiet, external therapies, Internal medications
6Snehapana (Second course of oleation)3 – 7 DaysIntake of medicated Ghee, No other treatments and Medications
7Resting Days2 – 3 DaysDiet, Abhyanga (Oil massage) and Bashpa Sweda (Steam).
8Virechana Karma (Therapeutic purgation)1 DayAbhyanga (Oil massage), Bashpa Sweda (Steam) and therapeutic purgation.
9Samsarjanakrama (Post dietic regimen)7 DaysDiet, external therapies, Internal medications
10Vasti Karma (Therapeutic enema)
(Asthapana Vasti – decoction enema or Anuvasana Vasti – Oil enema or combined)
8 DaysAlong with Enema, Internal Medicines and Other External Therapies
11Resting Days16 DaysInternal Medicines and External therapies
12Nasya Karma (Major administration of medicine)Till the proper symptoms of Nasya.Along with Nasal Therapy, Internal Medicines and External therapies


If the patient is having 90-120 days time duration for treatment, then only authentic classical way of panchakarma – detoxification treatments will be possible. Otherwise if you have lesser duration of treatments, on the basis of assessment, the required cleansing treatments among the panchakarma (detoxification) will be provided.

Along with the main Panchakarma – detoxification procedures different external therapies are included according to the individual condition. This includes local treatments and also whole body treatment.

External therapies (From the below mentioned treatments, on basis of individual’s condition, procedures will be selected)

  1. Abhyanga :- Oil massage

  2. Udwartana :- Powder massage

  3. Dhara :- Pouring medicated liquids all over the body.

    1. Kashaya dhara:- Pouring medicated decoction.

    2. Dhanyamla Gomutra dhara:- Pouring fermented cereals with Cow’s Urine.

    3. Ksheera dhara:- Pouring medicated milk.

    4. Gomutra dhara:- Pouring cow’s Urine.

    5. Takra dhara:- Pouring medicated butter milk.

    6. Thaila dhara:- Pouring medicated oil.

  1. Kizhi (Pinda sweda):- Sudation done by using heated packs.

    1. Shashtikashali pinda sweda (Njavara kizhi):- Pack of special cooked rice with medicated milk.

    2. Jambeera pinda sweda :- Pack of lemon.

    3. Mamsa pinda sweda :- Pack of meat.

    4. Valuka sweda :- Pack of Sand.

    5. Dhanya pinda sweda :- Pack of cereals, horse gram, black gram etc..

    6. Choorna pinda sweda :- Pack of herbal powder.

  1. Avagaha :- Immersing the body in herbal decoction or medicated oil.

All the above treatment can be done locally or whole body.

  1. Bashpa Sweda (Steam treatment):- Patient made to sit in a steam chamber.

  2. Nadi sweda :- Sudation done by passing steam over the body parts by using a tube attached to a kettle.

  3. Shiro dhara :- Medicated oil, herbal decoction, medicated milk, medicated butter milk etc.. continuously pour on the forehead.

  4. Shiro pichu :- Cotton soaked with suitable oil and placed on the head.

  5. Shiro Vasti :- Pool of medicated oil is allowed to stay over the head for a prescribed time.

  6. Shiro lepa (Thala pothichil):- Paste application over the head.

  7. Lepam :- Herbal paste application.

  8. Mukha lepam :- Face pack.

  9. Upanaha :- Paste application with bandaging.

  10. Kati Vasti :- Pool of luke warm oil is allowed to stay over the lower back.

  11. Janu Vasti :- Pool of luke warm oil is allowed to stay over the knee joint.

  12. Greeva Vasti :- Pool of luke warm oil is allowed to stay over the cervical region.

  13. Uro vasti :- Pool of luke warm oil is allowed to stay over the cardiac region.

  14. Dhoopanam :- Nasal fumigation.

  15. Karna Dhoopanam :- Ear fumigation.

  16. Netra Tarpanam :- Pool of medicated ghee is allowed to stay over the eyes.

  17. Karnapooranam :- Droping the medicated oil into the ears.

  18. Netra prakshalanam :- Eye wash with medicated liquid.

  19. Karna prakshalanam :- Ear wash with medicated liquid.

  20. Yoni Prakshalanam :- Vaginal wash with medicated liquid.

  21. Kavalam :- Holding medicated oil or herbal decoction in the buccal cavity followed by gargling for a certain period.

  22. Gandoosha :- Holding medicated oil or herbal decoction in the buccal cavity for a certain period.

  23. Bidalaka :- Herbal paste is to be applied over the eyelid.

  24. Pindi :- Massage around the eyes with a very small medicated pack.

  25. Ashchyotana :- Pouring medicated drops into the eyes.

  26. Anjanam :- Medicine in the form of powder, paste or liquid is to be applied inside the lower lid of the eyes.

  27. Pudapaka :- Maintain the prescribe juice of medicinal plants for specific time.

  28. Varti Prayogam :- Suppositories.

Devas snana karma

For individuals receiving monsoon treatment package, special herbal bath is included. Herbal paste application on skin, for cleansing and vitalizing 7 layers of skin, hair pack for re-vitalizing hair and decoction bath. Followed with that herbal fumigation for hair followed with Anjana (collyrium for improving eye health) will be done.


Following schedule has been designed for receiving the optimum benefit in physical, pranic and mental levels.

• Every day morning wake up around 4.30 am.
• When awake, practice seven rounds of deep breathing.
• Slowly sit on the bed and focus mind on positive thoughts.
• Then get up and do brushing and tongue cleaning.
• Do oil pulling using sesame oil, for eliminating lodged toxins from oral cavity.
• Drink warm water.
• Take shower.
• Wear washed and clean cloth.
• Morning pooja – 5.00 am
• Yoga session – 6.00 am – 7.15 am
• Breakfast – 8.00 am – 9.00 am
• Treatment session – 2 hours of treatment per day during monsoon package Devas snana karma (Special herbal bath)

• Daily Consultation – 30 minutes, 6 Days a week
• Yoga Nidra Session – 12.00 pm _ 01:00 pm
• Lunch time – 01.00 pm – 1.30 pm
• Kalari session – 11.00 am – 12.00 noon , 3.00 pm – 4.00 pm
• Evening Yoga – 4.00 Pm _ 5.15 Pm
• Anna pooja – 5.15 Pm _ 5.30 Pm
• Dinner session – 5.30 pm – 6.00 pm
• Evening pooja & chanting – 6.00 pm – 7.00 pm
• Bhajans – 6.30 pm (Every Monday & Friday)
• On every Thursday 06:00 am Lalitha Sahasranama yajna will be conducted ( No regular morning yoga on Thursday)
• No Yoga Nidra on Sunday

• Daily Consultation – 30 minutes, 6 Days a week
• Yoga Nidra Session – 12.00 pm _ 01:00 pm
• Lunch time – 01.00 pm – 1.30 pm
• Kalari session – 11.00 am – 12.00 noon , 3.00 pm – 4.00 pm
• Evening Yoga – 4.00 Pm _ 5.15 Pm
• Anna pooja – 5.15 Pm _ 5.30 Pm
• Dinner session – 5.30 pm – 6.00 pm
• Evening pooja & chanting – 6.00 pm – 7.00 pm
• Bhajans – 6.30 pm (Every Monday & Friday)
• On every Thursday 06:00 am Lalitha Sahasranama yajna will be conducted ( No regular morning yoga on Thursday)
• No Yoga Nidra on Sunday

Reasons for the absence must be brought to the notice of your respective teacher and doctor immediately.

❖ The diet and life style is planned by our doctors in accordance with classical Ayurvedic methods.
❖ Do not take tea or coffee while taking treatments, as it reduces the effect of internal medicines.
❖ Diet is very important like, Yoga and treatment. So please maintain silence while taking food.
❖ During treatment time, avoid using lots of exposure to sound, wind, overstraining in front of computer, irrelevant talking, and day time sleep. If you face any difficulties mention it to your doctor while coming for consultation.
❖ Take permission from the concerned Physician before making travelling during treatment Phase, as travelling may results adverse effects.
❖ If there is any emergency during the stay please contact
Reception : +91 9539684635
Restaurant : +91 9605519674
Reservation : +91 8157011347
AYV Doctors Team

Weekly programmes:
1) Organic vegetable farm and Cattle farm visit: Every Monday and Tuesday at 2.45 PM
2) Pharmacy visit: Every Wednesday at 7:30 AM
3) Musical meditation sessions (BAJAN) every Monday and Friday at 6:30PM

Some changes will be made in the daily schedule by the doctor according to the phase of Panchakarma – detoxification treatments.

This special Rejuvenation Program will open your heart and align you with your body and your true self, giving you a sense of well being and connectedness with a spark of creation.

 For information on tariffs, please write to info@ayurvedayogavilla.com . Other Panchakarma packages with different lengths of stay are available upon request.

    Monsoon Special Panchakarma 2024 : Early Booking

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